
B. Andrew Miller

With years of experience in the financial services industry, our team is ready to help you take the next step in your journey. Let’s assess your current situation as well as your future goals. Together, we’ll create a strong roadmap that will allow you to feel confident in your future. Regardless of your unique situation, we can help. Contact our office to get started.

Job title: Financial Planner, Sun Life, B.Mus., QAFP™

Phone: (780) 995-5719

Email: andrew.miller@sunlife.com

Fax: (780) 408-5488

Address: Suite 202, 11816 121 Street NW,, Edmonton, AB, T5L 5H5 Canada

Lynne Roberge

Job title: Advisor Assistant, Sun Life

Phone: 780-951-4841

Email: lynne.roberge@sunlife.com

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Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.