
Tools and calculators

Make planning for your financial future and retirement easier with some of our tools and calculators.

Retirement savings calculator

Calculate how well your retirement savings align with what you can expect to spend.

What you get: An assessment of whether you’re saving enough to retire when and how you want.

Life insurance calculator

Calculate how much life insurance you’ll need to help your loved ones cover financial responsibilities after you're gone.

What you get: An estimate of the amount of coverage you need to protect those who depend on you

Budget calculator

Find out where your money is going with this easy-to-use household budget calculator.
What you get: An understanding of your income and expenses and a budget you can return to and update as your needs change.


Director of Advanced Planning
Estate & Financial Planning Services, Western Region

Valerie Chan, CPA, CA, CPA (Washington), TEP, FEA, CFP® Director of Advanced Planning

Estate & Financial Planning Services, Western Region

Valerie is an experienced financial planner and accountant. During her time as a tax manager, she specialized in

personal, corporate and trust & estate taxation. She also

has experience supporting ultra-high net worth private

banking clients with wealth and tax planning.

In addition to the CFP and TEP designations, Valerie holds

accounting designations in Canada (CPA, CA) and in the US

(CPA, Washington) and recently obtained her FEA designation.

Valerie is particularly interested in helping Clients

reach their financial goals through tax efficiencies and estate


As a complement to the services provided by Sun Life Financial

advisors, Estate & Financial Planning Services (EFPS)

connects clients with a planner who is highly skilled in all

facets of financial planning – from investment and tax efficient

strategies to risk management tactics and wealth protection

techniques. For over 60 years, EFPS has helped

our clients continue to grow their wealth and preserve it for

future generations.

Have questions?

Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.