About us

Khushaal Kalra

Job Title: District Manager, CFP®, CLU®, MBA

Phone: (780) 424-8171

Email: khushaal.kalra@sunlife.com

Address: 10303 Jasper Ave., Suite 2928, Edmonton, AB, T5J 3N6

Rita Maalouf

Job Title: Business Development Partner, B.Sc., QAFP®

Languages spoken: Arabic, English

Phone: 587-357-3603

Email: rita.maalouf@sunlife.com

Address: 10303 Jasper Ave., Suite 2928, Edmonton, AB, T5J 3N6

Jordan Gipman

Job Title: Business Development Consultant

Email: jordan.gipman@sunlife.com

Address: 103-10104 97 Ave., Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7X6

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