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Millennial money expert has 5 tips for anyone who feels financially 'inadequate'

Millennial money expert has 5 tips for anyone who feels financially 'inadequate'

Taking stock of the good stuff is just one of five steps that Accredited Financial Counsellor Jessica Moorhouse has had to teach herself to reflect on when she's struggling with her financial goals. Jessica's outlook in this article encourages us all to stay positive & motivated when our finances feel overwhelming.

If you'd like to revisit your financial plan or discuss your portfolio to ensure you are on track for your future goals, we would love to hear from you - your financial advisor is here to help you make room for the joy (another Jessica financial tip!).
Happy Canada Day, everyone! Today we celebrate a country full of diversity and rich cultural heritage, one with breathtaking views, and notoriously kind people. Wishing all of our fellow Canadians a wonderful day of celebrations with family, friends and loved ones ♥️🍁♥️
Managing debt: What an advisor can do for you

Managing debt: What an advisor can do for you

Sun Life can help you build and protect your savings with investment products, life insurance, health insurance, and financial advice.
Should you buy critical illness insurance for your child?

Should you buy critical illness insurance for your child?

Your child’s serious illness can affect the whole family physically, emotionally & financially. Child critical illness insurance can ease the strain.
What is a recession and what does it mean for you?

What is a recession and what does it mean for you?

Understand what a recession is, how it affects the Canadian economy and your personal finances - and what you can to prepare. Visit to learn more....

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