Want to achieve lifetime financial security and live a healthier, brighter life? Take the time to browse the website, so you can learn more about the solutions we can discuss to help meet your needs and goals. Reach out if you have any questions and to get started.

June Hong
Throughout your life, you’ve worked hard to build your legacy. Now, let’s make sure it’s protected. Together, we can create a strategy that you can feel confident in – even after you’re gone. Reach out to get started.
Job Title: Advisor, Sun Life
Languages spoken: English, Korean
Phone: (647) 919-5863
Email: june.hong@sunlife.com
Address: 441 Esna Park Dr. Unit 12,, Markham, ON, L3R 1H7 Canada

Natalie Ellawala
Together, we work hard to ensure all Clients receive personalized service and support. I contribute to our team's success by streaming processes, addressing Clients inquiries and enhancing Client interactions overall.
Job Title: Advisor Assistant, Sun Life
Languages spoken: English, SInhala
Phone: (647) 919-5863
Email: natalie.ellawala@sunlife.com
Address: 441 Esna Park Drive Unit 12, Markham, Ontario L3R 1H7

Have questions?
Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.