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61% of Canadians afraid of running out of money in retirement: survey | Benefits

61% of Canadians afraid of running out of money in retirement: survey | Benefits

I can help you overcome the fear. Let's start by scheduling some time together.
The new 2025 CRA numbers: tax brackets, CPP, RRSP and TFSA limits, and more

The new 2025 CRA numbers: tax brackets, CPP, RRSP and TFSA limits, and more

Reaching out with New 2025 CRA numbers. Information on tax brackets, CPP, RRSP and TFSA limits.
The gender health gap and its impact on working women in Canada | Benefits

The gender health gap and its impact on working women in Canada | Benefits

The gender health gap and its impact on working women in Canada

How much do Canadians need to save per year for retirement?

Dive into expert insights on building and preserving wealth in today’s economic landscape.

The opinions expressed in this article are of the fund company that owns this content and do not constitute professional advice or recommendation, nor do they reflect the official position of Sun Life. Please seek advice from a qualified professional, including a thorough examination of your specific legal, accounting and tax situation.
Seven year-end tax tips for Canadians

Seven year-end tax tips for Canadians

Need content to better understand the financial landscape? I have valuable resources for you.

The opinions expressed in this article are of the fund company that owns this content and do not constitute professional advice or recommendation. Please seek advice from a qualified professional, including a thorough examination of your specific legal, accounting and tax situation.
Access to life insurance just got easier for people living with diabetes

Access to life insurance just got easier for people living with diabetes
8 ways you can benefit from life insurance:

1. protecting your wealth
2. dividing your estate
3. providing a tax-free payout
4. protecting your estate
5. diversifying your portfolio
6. providing extra tax-free retirement income
7. funding a buy-sell agreement
8. enabling you to be able to support a cause

Read more about protecting your wealth with life insurance in this article.

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