See your future differently
Coverage for everyday health costs, or if you or a loved one become sick or injured.
Protect the people you love with the right insurance plan. Get the ball rolling today.
Make the most of your savings and investments. There are many different investment, income and retirement options to choose from.
Business owners
Helping business owners take control of their finances one step at a time.
Incorporated professionals
Enjoy the benefits of your hard work. Let’s make sure you are getting the most out of your success.
Entrepreneurs small
Working hard is part of your DNA. Let’s turn your efforts into long-term financial security.
High net worth and affluent
Securing the future for the next generation is only an appointment away. Let’s talk about your legacy.
Pre-retirees and retirees
Retirement is your time to shine. Let’s work together to turn your retirement plan into a reality.
Helping families protect what matters most and work towards a secure financial future for each family member.
In a stage of growth? Wherever you are in life, it’s important to protect yourself and feel confident about your finances.
Gen Z
Starting out isn’t easy but don’t forget that everyone starts somewhere. You can’t reach your goals without taking the first step.
New Canadians
New to Canada? Let me help you “feel at home” with a strategy so you can be confident in your future.
Our solutions
Health insurance products

Personal and family health insurance

Disability Insurance

Critical illness insurance

Travel insurance
Travel insurance can help protect you from the difficulties that come from unexpected medical expenses

Dental insurance

Long term care insurance
Life insurance products

Whole life insurance
While some life insurance plans offer coverage for a specific amount of time, whole life insurance has no time limit because it covers you throughout your life. So you don’t have to worry about your coverage expiring or renewing your policy.

Participating life insurance

Term life insurance

Mortgage protection insurance

Permanent Life Insurance

Universal life insurance
It offers key financial planning features such as lifelong protection that never expires and opportunities for tax-preferred savings growth.
Investment options

GICs (Guaranteed investment product)**
Because of their many features, guaranteed interest products are an important component of both registered and non-registered savings plans – as well as retirement income plans.

Mutual funds†

Segregated funds

Annuity products
**Sun Life Financial Trust Inc. is the issuer of Sun GIC Max and Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Sun Life Financial Trust Inc. is a member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC). An Insurance GIC is an accumulation annuity issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.
†Mutual funds distributed through Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.