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Seven taxes on investments you need to know about

Seven taxes on investments you need to know about

Make the most out of your investments by understanding how taxes affect them. Learn more in this article and reach out to me if you'd like to discuss your portfolio.
What to do with an inheritance

What to do with an inheritance

Are you in line for a large inheritance? You might be. Are you prepared for it? Maybe not. Here are 5 ways to get ready.
2 common myths about estate planning

2 common myths about estate planning

Want to make sure your money goes to the right people when you aren’t around anymore? We’re tackling 2 common myths about estate planning – and setting them...
5 reasons people don’t talk to an advisor

5 reasons people don’t talk to an advisor

Putting off meeting with an advisor because you're afraid it’s not right for you? Let’s ease those fears, one excuse at a time....
Can optimism improve your finances?

Can optimism improve your finances?

It may be hard to believe, but being optimistic can lead to better financial health But, can a glass-half-empty kind of person actually be optimistic...
Which is better in retirement: Owning or renting?

Which is better in retirement: Owning or renting?

Listen to help decide if renting or buying a house in retirement is right for you.
Why is life insurance so important for moms? (audio)

Why is life insurance so important for moms? (audio)

Whether you’re a single mom or the main provider in your household, life insurance can secure your family’s financial future. Here’s how....
Women and finances: 7 smart money moves you should make

Women and finances: 7 smart money moves you should make

This International Women’s Day embrace financial feminism and #BreakTheBias. Find out how in this article.
What's the best age to get life insurance?

What's the best age to get life insurance?

Is it ever too soon or too late to buy life insurance? Do you even need life insurance? See what life insurance can do for you. Talk to a Sun Life advisor.
10 questions about life insurance you’re afraid to ask

10 questions about life insurance you’re afraid to ask

Does talking about life insurance make you feel uncomfortable? We ask and answer the top (and sometimes awkward) questions about life insurance. Read on to...
Canadians believe they need $1.7 million to retire: survey | Benefits

Canadians believe they need $1.7 million to retire: survey | Benefits

While Canadians, on average, believe they need $1.7 million in retirement, this amount varies among different generations of employees.
Forget downsizing: Canadian seniors staying in large houses well into their 80s, due in part to lack of options

Forget downsizing: Canadian seniors staying in large houses well into their 80s, due in part to lack of options

Seniors are now less likely to sell their homes before age 85, it said, noting the demographic shift needed to free up a meaningful amount of housing stock won’t start happening for several years. “According to Statistics Canada’s demographic projections, population growth in the 85-and-over age group will be higher from 2030 to around 2040.”
Opinion: Don’t blame the boomers for the economy – they put in more than they take

Opinion: Don’t blame the boomers for the economy – they put in more than they take

Boomers continue to contribute more to the economy than any earlier generation. It is they who pressured governments some years ago to eliminate mandatory retirement at age 65. Today, they are working longer than the generation before them.
Worried about retirement savings? Here's one way to catch up: Dale Jackson - BNN Bloomberg

Worried about retirement savings? Here's one way to catch up: Dale Jackson - BNN Bloomberg

It starts with making a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contribution before the Feb. 29 deadline. You can always contribute to your RRSP, but this month’s deadline applies to plan holders who want to deduct the contribution from their 2023 income – and time is of the essence.
Baby boomers are the happiest employees in the workplace: survey | Benefits

Baby boomers are the happiest employees in the workplace: survey | Benefits

The survey, which polled more than 1,200 workers, found generation Z (6.7 points) was the next happiest generation, followed closely by millennials (6.6 points) and generation X (6.5 points).
3 reasons to get life insurance in your 20s or 30s (video)

3 reasons to get life insurance in your 20s or 30s (video)

There are perks to buying life insurance in your 20s or 30s. Watch now.
4 common life insurance myths unmasked

4 common life insurance myths unmasked

Don’t let these 4 myths stop you from getting the life insurance coverage you need. Talk to a Sun Life advisor or visit to learn more.
Retirement savings calculator

Retirement savings calculator

Sun Life can help you build and protect your savings with investment products, life insurance, health insurance, and financial advice.
FHSA: Tax-Free First Home Savings Account

FHSA: Tax-Free First Home Savings Account

Sun Life can help you build and protect your savings with investment products, life insurance, health insurance, and financial advice.
Net worth calculator

Net worth calculator

What’s your net worth? It’s the total value of everything you own, minus your liabilities (debts). Use this net worth calculator to see how your net worth...

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