About us

Taha Al-Dabagh

Job Title: District Manager, CFP®, CHS™, CLU, RRC®

Phone: (613) 567-9700 x2261

Email: taha.al-dabagh@sunlife.com

Stephen Cordani

Job Title: Business Development Partner, CHS

Phone: (613) 567-9700 x2213

Email: stephen.cordani@sunlife.com

Christina Ruan

Job Title: Business Development Partner

Phone: (613)-567-9700 ext.2299

Email: christina.ruan@sunlife.com

Steve Adams

Job Title: Business Development Consultant, BBA, CLU®, MBA

Phone: (613) 567-9700 x2307

Email: steve.adams@sunlife.com

Bachir Yassine

Job Title: Advisor Recruitment Consultant

Phone: (343) 552-7808

Email: Bachir.z.yassine@sunlife.com

Address: 1525 Carling Ave. Suite 600 Ottawa ON. K1Z 8R9

Joseph Kheirallah

Job Title: Business Development Partner

Phone: (613) 567-9700 E xt 2239

Email: joseph.kheirallah@sunlife.com

Interested in being an advisor?

People from various educational and professional backgrounds have found success in the advisor role. Whether it’s a career change to financial services or just a change in role there’s a bright new future under the sun waiting for you.