
Want to achieve lifetime financial security and live a healthier, brighter life? Take the time to browse the website, so you can learn more about the solutions we can discuss to help meet your needs and goals. Reach out if you have any questions and to get started.

Robert Stevens

Job Title: Advisor, Sun Life, B.Eng.

Languages spoken: English

Phone: (226) 706-2477

Email: robert.stevens@sunlife.com

Address: 291 Woodlawn Road West, Unit B3, Guelph, ON, N1H 7L6 Canada

Robert Stevens

As an Advisor, I meet with Clients that have a specific focus on financial strategy and holistic service. This includes the firm’s most difficult and complex financial structures. I love to use my engineering mindset to build customized financial solutions that take advantage of as many opportunities as possible and really help you understand how and when you are going to meet your financial goals.


I grew up on a farm in Northern Ontario and still love getting out into nature whenever possible. This includes backpacking trips to Algonquin, fishing, and all things outdoors with my wife Natasha, son Caelan, and dog Ria.

Job Title: Advisor, Sun Life, B.Eng.

Email: robert.stevens@sunlife.com

Cairistiona (Kirsty) Federico

As a Service Associate, I can pursue my passion for empowering Clients to achieve their financial goals by supporting our team. I assist Clients by providing day-to-day administrative support. You will most likely hear from me any time there is paperwork involved for your investments or insurance plans.

My goal is to learn from experienced advisors and eventually become a fully CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® in my own right so that I can provide exemplary financial planning services to individuals and families. Having come from a varied professional background, I have diverse experiences from which I can draw ideas to benefit Clients.

When not at work, I have an equally diverse array of hobbies, including tabletop role-playing games (primarily Dungeons & Dragons), performing in community theatre productions, Scottish highland dancing, and historical costuming. I also occasionally put my problem-solving skills to use in escape rooms.

Job Title: Service Associate, Sun Life, B.A.Hons.

Email: cairistiona.federico@sunlife.com

Christine (Chrissie) White

I joined Robert as an Advisor Assistant in 2020 bringing with me over 30 years of customer service on the front line of a bank. This change allowed me to reduce my hours. I currently work part time and spend more time pursuing other passions. You will hear from me whenever it is time to book in for your reviews or when you call the office. I connect with Clients by phone or email and love learning everyone’s unique story. 

When not in the office, I volunteer at the local Rotary club and visit many members of the community often armed with baked goods and smiles.

Job Title: Advisor Assistant, Sun Life

Email: christine.white@sunlife.com

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