
Want to achieve lifetime financial security and live a healthier, brighter life? Take the time to browse the website, so you can learn more about the solutions we can discuss to help meet your needs and goals. Reach out if you have any questions and to get started.

When working with us, you can rest assured knowing you’re in capable hands. We work hard to meet your needs and help you build a personalized, holistic solution that will help you achieve lifetime health and financial well-being.

Trade Winds Financial Solutions Inc.

Your financial strategy should be as unique as you are. Whether you’re just starting out, about to enter retirement, or somewhere in between, a strong financial roadmap can help you reach your short and long-term goals. Let’s work together to protect what matters most to you and help you secure your future. Reach out to get started. Let’s get you there.

Terry Goodwin

We are a financial services firm that uses a team approach to helping clients achieve their financial goals. We will educate you on your options and create a plan designed to suit your needs. We have been honoured with the distinction of being named a Court of the Table member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). This international organization is the benchmark of excellence for advisors in the financial services industry, making our team part of the top 1% of advisors in the world.

Job Title: Advisor at Sun Life, B.A.Hons.

Phone: 306-764-9400

Have questions?

Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.