
Want to achieve lifetime financial security and live a healthier, brighter life? Take the time to browse the website, so you can learn more about the solutions we can discuss to help meet your needs and goals. Reach out if you have any questions and to get started.

Fiducia Financial

Based out of Regina, Saskatchewan, and servicing Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia, Fiducia Financial is focused on providing tailored financial strategies, plans, and services to Clients seeking to grow and preserve their wealth.

Trust is the cornerstone of financial advising and has always been at the forefront of Client experience. Unlike major institutions or big firms, Clients leave our office feeling heard, valued, and confident in our ability to execute in their best interests. We develop a relationship so that our advice can be centered around your unique needs and goals, considering multi-layered factors that could impact your path to financial success.

Fiducia Financial Solutions Inc.

Your financial strategy should be as unique as you are. Whether you’re just starting out, about to enter retirement, or somewhere in between, a strong financial roadmap can help you reach your short and long-term goals. Let’s work together to protect what matters most to you and help you secure your future. Reach out to get started. Let’s get you there.

Job Title: Anticipating your financial needs to empower generations of wealth and financial freedom, CFDS, CFP®, H.B.Sc., MBA

Languages spoken: English

Phone: (306) 522-4898

Email: angela.oddo@sunlife.com

Address: 3434 Regina Avenue,, Regina, SK, S4S 7J9 Canada

Angela Oddo

Angela is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® with diverse experience in the corporate sector, spanning finance to aerospace, from business analyst roles to operations management. This career path, along with her education and earned credentials, provides Angela with a deep understanding of corporate and personal finance strategies aimed at protecting and growing wealth.


Driving both her personal and professional life, Angela describes her “why” as the life-changing impact financial literacy can have on family stability.

“From a young age, my mother instilled in me a deep sense of work ethic and the importance of financial independence and security. Seeing her juggle raising children, navigate divorce, and work tirelessly to support us propelled me to achieve the education and credentials I am proud to have today.”

Angela endeavors to provide to Clients with the bespoke guidance at any level of financial literacy and translate that education into a strategic and comprehensive path to financial success. 

Job Title: Financial Planner, Sun Life | Owner, Fiducia Financial, CFDS, H.B.Sc., MBA


Phone: (306) 522-4898

Email: angela.oddo@sunlife.com

Address: Regina, Saskatchewan

Jennifer Perchie

Born and raised in Alberta, Jennifer moved to Regina to further her media career. She worked as the 6:00pm and late-night news anchor at Global Regina. After 13 years, she stepped away from the cameras to stay home with her three daughters. Once they were in school, craving adult conversation, Jennifer began working with a former Global colleague in real estate. In 2017, proving you're never too old to try something new, Jennifer accepted the opportunity with Fiducia Financial Solutions to support Angela’s mission to help families feel the impact of financial freedom. 

Job Title: Advisor Assistant, Sun Life

Phone: (306) 522-4898

Email: jennifer.perchie@sunlife.com

Have questions?

Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.

We are contracted with Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc., a member of Sun Life group of companies. Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.