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Is the W-shaped recovery a Win or a Warning for investors?

Is the W-shaped recovery a Win or a Warning for investors?

Access helpful resources on financial knowledge developed by professionals in the industry.

The opinions expressed in this article are of the fund company that owns this content and do not constitute professional advice or recommendation, nor do they reflect the official position of Sun Life. Please seek advice from a qualified professional, including a thorough examination of your specific legal, accounting and tax situation.
Opinion: Don’t blame the boomers for the economy – they put in more than they take

Opinion: Don’t blame the boomers for the economy – they put in more than they take

Boomers continue to contribute more to the economy than any earlier generation. It is they who pressured governments some years ago to eliminate mandatory retirement at age 65. Today, they are working longer than the generation before them.
How 5 employers are broadening the scope of mental-health support | Benefits

How 5 employers are broadening the scope of mental-health support | Benefits

Two-thirds (67 per cent) of Canadian benefits plan members used their mental-health benefits in the last year, according to the 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey, while three-quarters (73 per cent) said their workplace environment supports mental wellness.
Nearly a decade ago, Sun Life began its mental-health journey by aligning the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace across a wide range of elements within its employee experience.
Canadians believe they need $1.7 million to retire: survey | Benefits

Canadians believe they need $1.7 million to retire: survey | Benefits

While Canadians, on average, believe they need $1.7 million in retirement, this amount varies among different generations of employees.
Baby boomers are the happiest employees in the workplace: survey | Benefits

Baby boomers are the happiest employees in the workplace: survey | Benefits

Interesting read on a Monday. This survey, which polled more than 1,200 workers, found generation Z (6.7 points) was the next happiest generation, followed closely by millennials (6.6 points) and generation X (6.5 points).
Pros and cons of mutual funds versus ETFs: Dale Jackson - BNN Bloomberg

Pros and cons of mutual funds versus ETFs: Dale Jackson - BNN Bloomberg

Mutual funds are the most popular choice for retirement savers because they are the only investment vehicle available to average investors that can provide professional management and diversification.
The five best exercises for surviving winter, according to experts

The five best exercises for surviving winter, according to experts

The weekend is here again! How do these weeks fly by? At this time of year, it can be tricky navigating ice, snow & rain. Here are some easy-to-practice exercises you can do at home to improve your mobility, flexibility and strength that will help prevent common wintertime injuries.
Budget calculator

Budget calculator

Do you know what goes into a #budget? ​

Include basic living expenses like:​

Put aside spending money, but don’t include expenses like: ​
❌dining out,​
❌weekend trips,​
❌or leisure and hobbies​

Looking for a tool to help you get your spending on track? Check out Sun Life's budget calculator.
RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Fund

RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Fund

💡 Do you know the difference between an RRSP and an RRIF? With an RRSP, you save for retirement and with an RRIF you take income for retirement. Learn more about RRIFs here!
10 steps to buying a house in Canada

10 steps to buying a house in Canada

🏡 The time has come and you're thinking about buying real estate. This article outlines the 10 steps you need to know before you start house hunting.
How to make your money last for generations

How to make your money last for generations

If you want your money to last for generations, you need to plan carefully. Keep your assets growing and protected from taxes, inflation and potential estate problems. Contact my office to discuss further.
How much does it cost to sell your house?

How much does it cost to sell your house?

If you’re ready to sell your house and move, be sure to budget for the costs involved. Find out what you can expect to pay when you’re selling your home.
5 smart ways to use your tax refund

5 smart ways to use your tax refund

Expecting an income tax refund? Before rushing out to spend it, consider how you can put it to work to enhance your financial future.
What's in Season - Canadian Food Focus

What's in Season - Canadian Food Focus

Learn about fruits and vegetables -how to buy, how to prepare and even how they grow in Canada.

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We are contracted with Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc., a member of Sun Life group of companies. Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.