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How listing a trusted contact could foil financial elder abuse within families - BNN Bloomberg

How listing a trusted contact could foil financial elder abuse within families - BNN Bloomberg

Provincial and territorial securities regulators are raising alarm bells over a spike in reports of financial abuse against Canadian seniors. What is most shocking is that it is often happening within families.
You might live to 100. Do you have enough wealth to get there?

You might live to 100. Do you have enough wealth to get there?

You might live to 100. Do you have enough wealth to get there?
8 ways you can benefit from life insurance:

1. protecting your wealth
2. dividing your estate
3. providing a tax-free payout
4. protecting your estate
5. diversifying your portfolio
6. providing extra tax-free retirement income
7. funding a buy-sell agreement
8. enabling you to be able to support a cause

Read more about protecting your wealth with life insurance in this article.

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We are contracted with Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc., a member of the Sun Life group of companies. Mutual funds distributed by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc.