
Welcome! I’m dedicated to your success. Can’t wait to get to know you!

Tailored financial advice for every season of your life.

Everything starts with a plan, especially your success in the area of finances, and in life.

My success is helping you achieve your long term financial security so your have more time, energy, and peace of mind to concentrate on the things that you are passionate about.

Money spent wisely is a blessing to yourself and those you love, and it is my passion to help you do exactly that.

Let's connect today!

Michael Wang

Your financial strategy should be as unique as you are. Whether you’re just starting out, about to enter retirement, or somewhere in between, a strong financial roadmap can help you reach your short and long-term goals. Let’s work together to protect what matters most to you and help you secure your future. Reach out to get started. Let’s get you there.

Job Title: Advisor

Languages spoken: English, Mandarin

Phone: (604) 763-5618

Email: michael.wang@sunlife.com

Address: 1508 West Broadway, Suite 701, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1W8 Canada

Michael Wang

Job Title: Advisor, Sun Life

Phone: (604) 763-5618

Email: michael.wang@sunlife.com

Have questions?

Here to help answer your questions, provide clarity about products and get you started on the road to achieving your goals.