About us

Rodrigo Mendez

Whether you’re starting your business, developing your practice or considering stepping aside, We offer vision, know-how, plus industry-leading wealth and insurance solutions to business owners who need advice to manage complex financial situations.

Job Title: Financial Planner, Sun Life, CLU®, CIM, CFP®

Languages spoken: English, Spanish

Phone: (604) 683-6905 x240

Email: rodrigo.mendez@sunlife.com

Address: 1508 West Broadway, Suite 701, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1W8 Canada

Rodrigo Mendez

Brilliant and innovative business owners and entrepreneurs like you are grinders.

You spend years building something special. You may scale to great heights on your own, or you may hire staff for marketing, sales, and customer service to help you. You learn to build, add more customers, generate more revenue, and create something remarkable: a legacy that you can call your own.

Your personal life is inextricably linked with your business successes or failures.

➡️ Personal income goes up and down

➡️ Financial safety and consistency are unpredictable

➡️ Bills don’t stop coming

➡️ Investments need to be consistent, but they can’t be

➡️ Stress about providing for your family keeps you up at night

And all of that depends on your business doing well.

You work your whole life to build this incredible business that you love.

And one day, you realize that you’re busy, stressed, and people depend on you, and that you’ve spent years without actually stopping to think about:

❓ How will you keep the income coming in when you decide to stop working?

❓ What if not working isn’t my choice?

❓ What happens next?

❓ Do I do this forever?

I discovered a formula that helps motivated, growth-minded business owners and entrepreneurs answer these questions and helps prepare a roadmap to security.

I’m Rodrigo Mendez, and regardless of what phase of business you’re in—conception, building, or rapid-pace growth—I’d be thrilled to meet with you, learn about you, and see how I can support you. I have an entire network of professionals you should meet who will make your world as a business owner better.

Job Title: Financial Planner, Sun Life, CFP®, CIM, CLU®

Languages spoken: English, Spanish

Phone: (604) 683-6905 E xt.240

Email: rodrigo.mendez@sunlife.com

Sebastien Doan

Sebastien brings valuable experience in financial services, having worked as a Financial Services Representative at CIBC. A graduate of the Financial Planning program at BCIT, he earned a graduation award for achieving the highest GPA in the program and is currently working toward obtaining his QAFP designation. Sebastien is committed to delivering excellent service, helping Clients achieve their goals with confidence.

Outside of his professional life, Sebastien enjoys running, DJing, playing music, and caring for indoor plants. He is also learning French and has a passion for acquiring new skills, reflecting his growth-oriented and curious mindset.

Job Title: Advisor Assistant, Sun Life

Languages spoken: English, Vietnamese

Phone: (672) 515-8169

Email: huu.phu.doan@sunlife.com

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