Your trusted team at Sample Financial

We have the experience and insights to help your family and business achieve long-term financial security and success. Our personalized guidance empowers families like yours to protect what matters most across generations.

Steven Good

We have the experience and insights to help your family and business achieve long-term financial security and success. Our personalized guidance empowers families like yours to protect what matters most across generations.

Job Title: Financial Planner, Sun Life, B.A. (Finance), CFP®


Languages spoken: English, Italian

Phone: 877-786-5433


Address: 227 King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4C5 Canada

Nice to meet you.

Steven Good has been a financial planner with Sun Life for over 10 years. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce, specializing in Finance.

As a financial planner, Steven enjoys taking the time to understand each Client’s unique situation and needs. He creates customized plans that factor in goals like saving for retirement, funding children’s education, paying off debt, and protecting assets. Through prudent investing and comprehensive financial strategies, Steven has helped many families and individuals achieve peace of mind regarding their finances.

Job Title: Financial Planner, Sun Life, CFP®


Languages spoken: English, French

Phone: 123-456-7890


Address: Waterloo, Ontario

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